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Home or Office Property Clearing

Our home or work environment has an enormous impact on our productivity, our stress, our happiness, our relationships and our health. The more urban and congested the neighborhood the more active we have to be to counter-balance the multiple levels of tangible and energetic stress. The ability to manage and upgrade these factors are now within your conscious control. There are many resources on colors, design and placement, lighting, comfort, air and water quality, Feng Shui, etc.

This service offer by Selene is for foundational stress from earth lines, electrical amplification, and accumulation of human energy or historic conflicts. This practice, called Geomancy, is very common in Europe. In Switzerland, properties cannot be sold until the Geomancer has cleared the site and approved it as a healthy place to live.

If you were to enter your hometown before there were buildings or even roads, it is unlikely that you would select your current home site as the optimum place to live to support your power and creativity, or your ability to deeply reset and restore your body. Geomancy will assist to optimize your current living environment.

Land Clearing Can Include:

• Devices to lessen the impact of electrical reactions
• Release of human emotional energy
• Release of historical traumas and conflict patterns
• Neutralizing of the harmful geopathic and earth lines that can create significant health challenges in 3-11 years.

These clearings are highly recommended for condos, apartments, townhouses, private homes, wellness or spiritual centers, commercial gardens, nurseries, barns, schools, hospitals, etc. There are specific suggestions for stays in hotels, hospitals, nursing homes or living above the ground floor.

These earth balancing remedies have been cultivated over centuries to support humans, animals, plants, trees as well as Mother Earth. There are no known negative effects for neighbors or for the earth.

Choose Which Level Fits Your Property and Circumstance

General Consultation With Energetic Clearing

Frequently used for properties that won’t sell or a sense that something is imbalanced or disruptive.
$200 for 1st hour, $100/hr. additional


On Site Geomancy Session With Energy Work

Selene on-site to address the impact on people, pets, land and home dynamics.
$250/1st hour and $100/hr. additional


DIY Geomancy Clearing With Long Distance Energy Clearing

A) Provide dimensions of area to be cleared, concerns, address and permission

B) Supplies and instructions will be sent to you. (Supplies cost $50-150 depending on the site size, provided near cost.) The process requires placing copper wires in specific locations on site. These can be done outside which is ideal or inside the intended area. Although not a physical strenuous task, plan on 1-3 hours depending on the size of the site.

C) Call when step B is completed, to follow-up, fine-tune, verify the earth balancing and initiate the Energy clearing work.

$200 for 1st hour, $100/hr. additional plus supplies

Contact Selene With Questions and To Schedule This Balancing and Revitalizing of Your Home Environment.
