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Soul Sessions

How does my soul express?
What are the qualities of my Divine Nature?

Meet your North Star to guide you from this point forward. This eternal and expanded part of you can become a key resource as well as trusted ally.

Selene will provide a brief archetypal introduction, based on her research. This information will be verified in your Soul records. With your permission, she will connect with your Soul information, prior to the call. All of this information will be shared with you for your exploration.

When you hear the truth of who you are, you will recognize it. For some the recognition is immediate, for some the connection may take weeks or even months.

To Book a 30-minute Session Provide:
1) your full name at birth and all of the names that you have used,
2) Your birthdate, and
3) Your permission.
5) Provide a phone number for your call.
The chapter of your archetype is included for your practical applications.

30 minute reading $99 ($120 value)

Soul Clearing

A Soul Clearing is a deep listening of the current activated material that is ready to be revealed. It is a significant process to accelerate the alignment of body and soul to understand and align with one’s highest nature and purpose of this life. Frequently, this healing can be pivotal in moving forward to a fulfilling life.

The process is to provide Selene with your full name and all names you have used, your birthday and your permission. She will spend an hour re-connecting you with Source/Creator, receiving information that will be shared with you.

This blessing and sacred healing is conveyed so that you may feel and recognize what is true for you. Time will be allowed for integration and questions.

Periodic tune-up or check-in may be beneficial. You will know when it is time.

Some of The Common Priorities of Such a Healing Include:

Accessing your Soul Archetype(s) active at this time
Accessing your Soul Origination and qualities of your Divine Nature
Alignment with Source/Creator and your clear and pure Spirit Allies

Release of ancient conflicts, traumas, vows and long held inhibitors
Release of foreign energies, disabling vows and contracts
Soul Retrieval within your divine timing

Clarification of psychological issues still activated
Clarification on blind spots and hidden strengths
Soul vitality connected through physical, mental, emotional fields

Accessing Physical blockages
Follow-up processes to restore chakras or integrate healing consciously

Recommendations for self – growth for the next 6 months to 10 years
And more as directed by your knowing.

Book a Soul Clearing that includes 1-2 hour consultation
and energetic integration.

$400 at this time ($600 value)

Integration and Realignment Through Tune-Ups and Check-ins

It is beneficial for optimum function to have periodic tune-ups. We all periodically need to reconnect and nourish our divine nature of peace, creativity, joy or wisdom.

It is also important to continue to release any limitations that arise and to receive clarity from a soul level. From this internal alignment, we know our next aligned step and how to deal with the current life issues.

This integration is accomplished when your truth is supported with coaching and energy realignment. In these sessions, a space of unconditional love and connection is combined with the ability to transmute what is no longer beneficial, provides access to your wisdom and skills for immediate, specific life issues.

Bring your intent into this clear space to co-create your next evolutionary step.

Check-in …. 60 min $150

Tune up … 90 min $225

Embodiment of your Divine Nature

An immersion in your divine nature will allow for a profound integration for the shifts of consciousness possible now. This customized VIP intensive in who you are will allow your next evolutionary step to be revealed.

This intensive is equivalent to at least five private sessions to support the embodiment of your wholeness. A personalized protocol will be included to support daily connection to build your sovereignty and access to your truth. This process allows you to build a practice that nourishes, strengthens and aligns with your Truth daily.

Available over the phone or in person, this VIP program can provide the sweet sense of home that many have been seeking. Based on your intent, a program of 2- 6 sessions over 1-2 days will allow you to immerse yourself in your divine essence.

A mixture of sound, light, meditation, nature and integration tools will support your homecoming. Below are some of the options for embodiment.

Receive Blessings of guidance, ancestors and lineages
Infusion of light and vitality into the body through chakras, meridians, and glandular systems
Activation and acceleration of your fields of light and your Merkabah

Releasing the impact of remaining Karma, and acceptance of full spiritual dispensations given years ago.
Accessing the heart of Creator/Source/One
Accessing your personal wisdom and guidance

Reunite your Eternal self with your Soul Lineages
Energize the Physical form and Field
Freeing self from mass consciousness
Inner child and soul fragmentation integration

Accessing the healing universal healing chambers and modalities needed for these times.
Learning this comprehensive healing modality

Connect with Selene and Your Intent

To Design and Schedule Your Personal Integration Quest